Its now 7 months after the DVD release, this is the first version of YoFrankie since being an open project at the blender institute.
Version 1.1 brings YoFrankie up to date with Blender, taking advantage of new features. There have also been improvements in the game logic and levels.
- Includes the 3 winning levels from the level design competition, with additional improvements.
- Updated Game Logic for Blender3D 2.49a
- Runs faster, from testing level 1 home: 2.48a averages 50fps, 2.49a 80fps*
- Cleaned up blend files, materials, textures, animations, unfinished levels.
- Loading screen between levels. (120mb) –, NL mirror
Linux 32, 64bit, Windows 32bit (MacOS binary not included but is compatible with 2.49a)
full svn log of changes since 1.0
Of course contributions are still welcome and I intend to keep YoFrankie running with the latest blender, adding levels and content from the community.
* Tested with release builds on 32bit Linux, AMD3800, NVidia 8800.
* Update 1.1a*
- fixes the secondary level selector (no sign-post) bug.
- momo dancing in credits was missing.
* Update 1.1b*
- linux 64bit player was an older blender version.
Unfortunately, there are still some bugs involving movement. When using my gamepad, Frankie constantly moves forward, while turning to the left. When using my keyboard, I cannot turn left while running, though I can turn right. (A temporary work around is to rapidly alternately tap the left and up arrow keys; this makes him turn left, but keeps him ready to continue the running animation when up is pressed)
For reference purposes, I’m running Windows Vista SP2 32 bit, Blender 2.49a, and my gamepad is the Fightpad from Mad Catz.
As for the good, I’ve experienced a MASSIVE speed boost, the game is playable at 30fps with full eye candy turned on (and on my rig it wasn’t before)
Great job guys!
Runs in blender and blenderplayer 2.49a in osx on my Macbook Pro aluminium, but I can’t select any menu item. I can use the arrow buttons to cycle between the options, I just can’t choose anything. Tried all keyboard buttons.
Looking forward to trying the new levels
Nice to see an updated version of yofrankie to blender 2.49
Just one question, why I cannot use the mouse to select any option of the game menu inside of blender?
Woot! I’ve been waiting for this.
What about the sound issues? Are those solved as well?
Excellent ! Thank you this work, this a very good news
Nice, but, any mirrors (downloading at 35Kb/s) ?
A torrent ould be great (I recommend it with big files, I mean, more than 5-10 MiB).
Erm, which button applies a selection again? I’ve selected Play Game but no button on my joypad, keyboard or mouse seems to apply the selection in order to start the game.
Oh, I got following message printed a lot of times to the shell:
Python script error from controller “menu_logic#CONTR#3”:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/panzi/software/yofrankie_1_1_bge/levels/menu_scripts/”, line 200, in main
menu_activate(cont, own, items[act], items)
File “/home/panzi/software/yofrankie_1_1_bge/levels/menu_scripts/”, line 70, in menu_activate
if ‘portal’ in portal_ob: # check for a spesific object
TypeError: argument of type ‘KX_GameObject’ is not iterable
‘foo’ in portal_ob
did help.
I can’t start a game. Nothing is reacting on the title screen.
Using linux amd64 version.
rik@Arcturus:~/Games/YoFrankie/yofrankie_1_1a_bge$ ./yofrankie-linux-x86_64.bin
guessing ‘./yofrankie-linux-x86_64.bin’ == ‘/home/erik/Games/YoFrankie/yofrankie_1_1a_bge/./yofrankie-linux-x86_64.bin’
argv[0] = ‘./yofrankie-linux-x86_64.bin’
Detected GL_ARB_texture_env_combine
Detected GL_ARB_texture_cube_map
Detected GL_ARB_multitexture
Detected GL_ARB_shader_objects
Detected GL_ARB_vertex_shader
Detected GL_ARB_fragment_shader
Detected GL_ARB_vertex_program
Detected GL_ARB_depth_texture
Detected GL_EXT_separate_specular_color
read library: lib //../chars/butterfly.blend
read library: lib //../chars/frankie.blend
read library: lib //../chars/frankie_actions.blend
read library: lib //../chars/bird.blend
read library: lib //momo_actions.blend
read library: lib //frankie_actions.blend
Warning, sensor “menu_delay” has lost a link to a controller (link 2 of 3) from object “menu_logic”
possible causes are partially appended objects or an error reading the file,logic may be incorrect
Warning, sensor “menu_delay” could not find its controller (link 3 of 3) from object “menu_logic”
there has been an error converting the blender controller for the game engine,logic may be incorrect
Warning, sensor “sensor2” has lost a link to a controller (link 1 of 1) from object “butterfly_logic”
possible causes are partially appended objects or an error reading the file,logic may be incorrect
Python script error from controller “menu_logic#CONTR#3”:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/erik/Games/Yo Frankie/yofrankie_1_1a_bge/levels/menu_scripts/”, line 200, in main
File “/home/erik/Games/Yo Frankie/yofrankie_1_1a_bge/levels/menu_scripts/”, line 70, in menu_activate
TypeError: argument of type ‘KX_GameObject’ is not iterable
Python script error from controller “menu_logic#CONTR#3”:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/erik/Games/Yo Frankie/yofrankie_1_1a_bge/levels/menu_scripts/”, line 200, in main
File “/home/erik/Games/Yo Frankie/yofrankie_1_1a_bge/levels/menu_scripts/”, line 70, in menu_activate
TypeError: argument of type ‘KX_GameObject’ is not iterable
Python script error from controller “menu_logic#CONTR#3”:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/erik/Games/Yo Frankie/yofrankie_1_1a_bge/levels/menu_scripts/”, line 200, in main
File “/home/erik/Games/Yo Frankie/yofrankie_1_1a_bge/levels/menu_scripts/”, line 70, in menu_activate
TypeError: argument of type ‘KX_GameObject’ is not iterable
Python script error from controller “menu_logic#CONTR#3”:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/erik/Games/Yo Frankie/yofrankie_1_1a_bge/levels/menu_scripts/”, line 200, in main
File “/home/erik/Games/Yo Frankie/yofrankie_1_1a_bge/levels/menu_scripts/”, line 70, in menu_activate
TypeError: argument of type ‘KX_GameObject’ is not iterable
doesnt work for me, no selection in the menu is possible (panzi: cant get your diff)
great!!!!! this is just i’ve been waiting for.
here my changes in unified diff format:
— yofrankie_1_1_bge/levels/menu_scripts/ 2009-06-12 15:25:49.000000000 +0200
+++ yofrankie_1_1_bge-patched/levels/menu_scripts/ 2009-07-05 15:12:09.875551232 +0200
@@ -67,13 +67,13 @@
blend_name = scene_name = target_name = ”
– if ‘portal’ in portal_ob: # check for a spesific object
+ if portal_ob.has_key(‘portal’): # check for a spesific object
target_name = portal_ob[‘portal’]
– if ‘portal_blend’ in portal_ob:
+ if portal_ob.has_key(‘portal_blend’):
blend_name = portal_ob[‘portal_blend’] # No way to check if this really matches up to a scene
– if ‘portal_scene’ in portal_ob:
+ if portal_ob.has_key(‘portal_scene’):
scene_name = portal_ob[‘portal_scene’] # No way to check if this really matches up to a scene
Ok, that screwed up the whitespaces. Here you can download the patch:
I’ve tried the 32 bit and the 64 bit version under Linux and I can only get the menu (and thus the actual game) working in the 32bit version.
The 32 bit version seems to work fine though.
@autum Seems to be the same problem as yours – did you use the 64 bit binary?
python from blender
There is still that stupid error that Player 1 is set to joystick control as default which makes this game unplayable for me (It is hard to play this with steering wheel :D). Why don’t you make some controller selection in options? This is really stupid. And also I have to play this with blender, binaries are not working for me, it seems that it is trying to use /dev/dsp (it’s strange in age of PulseAudio and ALSA), getting this error (on Ubuntu 9.04):
guessing ‘./yofrankie-linux-x86_64.bin’ == ‘/home/shinji/Desktop/yofrankie_1_1a_bge/./yofrankie-linux-x86_64.bin’
argv[0] = ‘./yofrankie-linux-x86_64.bin’
Detected GL_ARB_texture_env_combine
Detected GL_ARB_texture_cube_map
Detected GL_ARB_multitexture
Detected GL_ARB_shader_objects
Detected GL_ARB_vertex_shader
Detected GL_ARB_fragment_shader
Detected GL_ARB_vertex_program
Detected GL_ARB_depth_texture
Detected GL_EXT_separate_specular_color
open /dev/[sound/]dsp: No such file or directory
read library: lib //../chars/butterfly.blend
read library: lib //../chars/frankie.blend
read library: lib //../chars/frankie_actions.blend
read library: lib //../chars/bird.blend
read library: lib //momo_actions.blend
read library: lib //frankie_actions.blend
open /dev/[sound/]dsp: No such file or directory
WARNING: Sound actuator “flap wings” from object “3d sound helper” failed to load sample.
WARNING: Sound actuator “poo” from object “3d sound helper” failed to load sample.
WARNING: Sound actuator “poo impact” from object “3d sound helper” failed to load sample.
warning: could not open ‘/home/shinji/Desktop/yofrankie_1_1a_bge/./yofrankie-linux-x86_64.bin.bgeconf’
@panzi, it looks like your using blender 2.49, 2.49a has the __contains__ function for game objects only.
ok, my bad. 64bit binaries were 2.49, not 2.49a, re-uploading
Torrent, please…
Mac version?
With Ubuntu 9.4 I have problems with the control.
I cannot run front-left. Front-right is possible. With the preview version it works better, because then I’m going to run when I press the up arrow two times and not hold n the whole time. I think there is the problem.
@Anonymous, there have been a few fixes since 1.1, uploading a torrent makes it more trouble for me to do minor updates.
@William, I couldnt find anyone to make a mac version. If a mac user could open yo_frankie_stub.blend and save a mac runtime I’ll include it.
The file is in the large zips, if you make a mac runtime Id like you to test it with the game to make sure it works. But the stub is also available here
Does this version works on new BGE? BGE from 17 May?
@Sammi: Are you sure that you are running 2.49a!? … because the top link for macos x download still targets the 2.49!! … You have to choose a mirror site to get the 2.49a … hope that solves your prob
btw: Great game!!! And great work too!!!
@loki, as mentioned a few times in the post, it works with blender 2.49a, it also works with newer versions of trunk (which will be 2.49b)
It is great game but still needs some work, for example:
1- You could ask “Yes” or “No” before load a level, “because sometime I run accidentally into a level sign”
2- For me controls are very hard, I prefer using the mouse to direct the character, like any typical 3d shoot game.
3- Many times, the character got stuck into objects (walls, rocks, trees) and I couldn’t move it.
4- It is better if I could exit to the menu using Esc. not suddenly, ending the game.
please excuse my poor English, I tried to make my ideas as clear as possible.
It is really a great game with a lot of potentials, I love it.
Thank you very much
Can’t get rid of that joystick thing. I don’t have any joysticks installed or connected.
Create story!
I thought I was using 2.49a, as I just downloaded blender to play Yo Frankie 1.1, but it seems the Intel Mac binary on the official download page is only 2.49: :/
Any other way to get blender or just blenderplayer 2.49a running on an Intel Mac?
Just noticed that the mirror links on that page carry 2.49a Intel Mac binaries
Menu works now I’m in game
if you have problems with joystick (linux)
disbale the joystick with
sudo rmmod joydev
i had the problem with a macbook and ubuntu
best regards
Trying now, thanks for the update!
Hi there, great update, great work! The dvd version its great but this one is awesome! Congratulations to all of the team. I noticed there isnt a LICENSE file in the package or anything about the media, can you include it? Thanks!
I posted a fairly big comment before and it got eaten, possibly by the spam system. [i]Great[/i].
Nice to see a new release, hope it runs a bit faster on my vastly underpowered Eee PC now.
Hi, the game is really great, thank you very much and keep up the good work!
I was particularly struck by the levels nut and lighthouse.
I would like to request the following thins:
– the camera work isn’t ideal, so I request to control the camera with the mouse and run with keyboard (w,a,s,d), like the most role playing games do it
– the artificial intelligence of the enemies suspend sometimes; e.g. the animals hang on objects
Besides perhaps it would make sense to move the development of YoFrankie to a famous OpenSource plattform like Launchpad, because I think it the project will get more attention and it would make it easier to write bug reports.
I wanna know what about the crystal space? the next time you do a open game use ogre3d please
, in other way i am writing now a little document analyzing the points what i think the game have holes of entertainment, i wanna do a few modifications on it, if somebody are interested contact me please.
Hi there! I’m downloading Yo! Frankie at this moment. I found Yo! Frankie when I accidentally enter to site and it caught my attention to try it lol. Anyway, I hope it doesn’t give me any problem after I downloaded it, the Blender and Python though.
I’ve watch its tutorial at YouTube and I’m really excited to play iy. XD Best open source 3D game so far! Good luck!
I’m back! Aw, I have problem regarding with the game. I’ve done downloading the Blender (newest version) and Python, now when I click “Play!” I get inside the game BUT after that it hung up. I waited for at least 30 minutes but nothing happened. In fact, I’ve tried it fir third time but again, same thing happened. Any help guys? I want to play it asap lol. I’m new to Yo! Frankie btw. Thanks!
Havn’t tried it yet, it’s downloading right now. I’m so excited!
I have this error on Fedora 10:
warning: could not open ‘/usr/share/yofrankie-bge/levels/start_menu.bgeconf’
/usr/bin/blenderplayer: line 7: 2665 Aborted /usr/bin/blenderplayer.bin $@
I was just wondering, why did u stop production on the crystal space version of the game?
Okay, I got the .blend files, now how do I get it to run without the **** lines and everything, like outside the edit thing!!!! I’m fairly new to blender so I don’t understand the game engine very well… HELP!!! :'(
i dwnloded a wile ago but between levels it is real slow.
any help???
This game makes no sense! lol
I just walked around picking up acorn for about 5 mintues then quit because I didn’t get the point.
Other than that, I saw HUGE potential in the MMORPG genre.
This joystick thing is really stupid. I don’t even have a Joystick, but the laptop’s accelerometer is detected as one.
Had to remove the joystick kernel module to get it to work, as arpu suggested.
Great job! Blender is such a fantastic piece of software.
Chinese are everywhere.
they’re suggesting you specify what subversion folder fits newest blender versions
With the recent release of blender 2.6 I hope to see an update soon. It is a great distraction when i need it.
blenderplayer yo_frankie_stub.blend
game is starting blue sky and sound but no game menu ?
***** Is YoFrankie project DEAD ? *****
The lastest release was in July, 2009 !!!
The game has a lot of bugs and doesn’t work well for me and my friends.
The project is long finished. It may be updated in the future but as it stands the final product is a 2.49a-compatible game demo rough around all of its edges. Of course it’s open source as you know, so anyone can update this to make it compatible with 2.6 and fix any bugs.
it will be good for game-engine users, to have a 2.6 version compatible.
Now, it’s an hard way to understand how to use blender game engine without this project.
Thanks to let game-engine alive!
Great game! Really great for playing with joystick. Hope some new version will come soon!